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Houston Area Police Chiefs Association
Houston Area Police Chiefs Association
  • Houston Area Police Chiefs Association

  • Welcome to the Houston Area Police Chiefs Association

  • Member Agencies


Statement from HAPCA on Tyre Nichols

The Houston Area Police Chiefs Association is deeply disturbed by the officers' actions in Memphis, Tennessee, which resulted in the inexcusable death of Tyre Nichols. The officers' actions do not reflect the values of HAPCA and our members. We denounce the conduct of any officers that violate the trust of the communities we serve in a way that disparages our profession. As police leaders, we remain committed to preserving human life as the highest regard to our profession. We must continue to promote trust and transparency within our communities.

We extend our thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of Mr. Nichols and pray for healing as the nation mourns his tragic death.


On May 25, 1989, The Secretary of State recognized the Articles of Incorporation of the newly formed Houston Area Police Chief’s Association.  In the original filing, the purpose of the Association was organized exclusively
for charitable and educational purposes to advance the interest and promote the welfare of law enforcement in the Harris County Area.


Learn more about the goals of HAPCA 

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To promote and enhance the professional development of all senior executive and management personnel of the law enforcement agencies within the Houston Texas Metropolitan Region.


The Houston Area Police Chief’s Association is committed to professional excellence by providing a network of seasoned law enforcement peers from all of the law enforcement entities serving the Houston Texas region. We are dedicated to demonstrating the highest standards of performance, best practices in policing and accountability, while serving our communities and constituents.  

The HAPCA was formed in 1988 as  the Harris County Area Chiefs of Police Association but the name was changed as their role, and their reach expanded.  The current membership represents Police Chiefs, Sheriff’s, Command Staff, and line officers of local City, County, State, Federal, College/University, Transit Police, Medical Center Police, School Districts and Special Law Enforcement agencies from 9 counties in the greater Houston metropolitan area.

This organization promotes cooperation amongst Law Enforcement Agencies throughout the region and is dedicated to education and excellence in law enforcement.

Core Values

The Houston Area Police Chief’s Association takes a proactive role in promoting the delivery of professional law enforcement services to our respective communities through of the application of five core values:


Adhering to strict, unbiased and unequivocal standards of conduct while keeping with our ethical obligations.


Accepting individual and collective responsibility for our oath, duty and actions.


Valuing every human life and every person's dignity with an equal commitment to justice and acceptance of diversity.


Displaying the strength of character while exhibiting compassion to confront fear, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.


Adapting to changes in society through strategic integration of technology, policies, tools and equipment.